Monday, March 17, 2014

Video Calling for $1

Every business interactions at every level in the organization should happen face-to-face.  The problem is that employees are working remote and are mobile (and they should be) so face-to-face is not as easy as walking down the hall.  

Many companies have embraced the video conferencing component of online meeting technology that
1:1 Video Calling with Biba
Biba and other vendors sell. But, the reality is that business interactions are more than just online meetings. So why use an "pay by the moderator" online meeting tool for person to person or ad-hoc video calls? With 
Biba Plus you no longer have to.

For the low price of $1 per user per month you can now video enable your company with enterprise grade, Business Video Calling for every employee at an affordable price. Our new one click video calling instantly allows face-to-face communication with all of your business contacts with the same ease as IM or calls

Open Conference Bridge

Users love our calendar integration. Simply add to any meeting and everyone on the Biba app be automatically called at the beginning of a meeting. For people that desperately want meetings that start on time, it’s a fantastic feature.

But we’ve been hearing more from users and CIOs that they want but also allow users access via the legacy way of scheduling meetings.  

In response to your requests, we’ve released some changes to our online meeting scheduling tool. This change will allow more familiar  scheduling and coordination with your meeting attendees who are not on the Biba app.

Now, when you register for a Biba account, we will instantly provision you a conference bridge, with an audio conference PIN and a screen-sharing web link. With this meeting information, you will be able to include dial-in information in a calendar invite just as many of you have done in the past with existing audio and web conferencing solutions.

More information on the change and how to use your conference PIN and screen-share link are available in our help section.

It’s all about Productivity

Biba releases Remote Control and Windows Sharing

It is said that a picture is worth 1000 words. Given that, I say screen share and the ability to drive another person’s computer must be worth 10,000 and that is a lot of time (if you do the math, it is about 60 minutes)!

Here are two situations that I think help justify my qualification.

Remote Control

The other day, I spent 12 minutes walking a VP of Sales through finding and sending me Biba log files from his Windows 8 machine. What a waste of time and energy.

Enter our new product feature Remote Control and the same task that took 12 minutes now takes me less than 1 minute! With remote control, I can request the ability to drive his computer and take over both mouse and keyboard. Click, click, click, drag and he even gets the benefit of seeing what is happening because he sees my mouse. Time saver and learning opportunity!
Remote control screen share

Windows Share

Many of our Biba champions tell me that they spend a significant proportion of their day in meetings - sometimes as long as 3 hours! Have you tried to not check your email for 3 hours? Oh, and then, if you happen to be the one presenting, it is a real challenge. So they told me, only being able to share their desktop was just not going to cut it.

We listened and one release cycle after delivering our Screen Share feature, we now support both Windows and Desktop sharing. Same, easy click of a button, but now the flexibility to pick what you want to share. Go ahead and take a peek at your email when someone starts off on a tangent or quick, ping your technical team to get a quick answer to the question your prospect just asked.

Two scenarios, one solution. Get Biba and put the power of 10,000 words to work for you!

Beth Styles


It never fails, I start working at a large company and the HR system that is used for onboarding uses my full name (Elizabeth Styles) instead of what I consider my professional name (Beth Styles) to provision my accounts. No one can find me because they don’t know to look under the E’s. Not to mention, do you know how much alike “e” and “b” sound? When I would tell someone my email is they didn’t hear “e” they heard “b”. So, one of the first things I did when I worked at SGI, PeopleSoft, Symantec, Oracle and SuccessFactors was to file a ticket with IT to add an email alias.

We know that this happens a lot. And whether it is because you have a nickname like I do, your company gets acquired and the domain changes or you are lucky enough to be one of the early people at a startup (and get to use your, we know you need the tools to ensure that people can find you.

That is why we now enable you to add multiple email addresses to your Biba account. Simply add one or more email aliases using any of our clients (mobile or desktop) and choose which email you would like to set as the Primary address. You can even add your personal email account so your friends and family can find you too. We will send all Biba emails to that account and display it with your name.

No matter which email address your colleague uses to invite you to a Biba meeting, we will find you! No IT, no hassle, no missed meetings.

Beth Styles

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